While exploring the outer reaches of the web I came across a
post on dipping miniatures. I tore through fifty some odd pages of techniques and examples of how to and the results. Next thing I know I breaking my small Tyranid force out of the garage.

I have a friend who always exclaims "Roaches!" every time he sees Tyranids, so I decided to play up this view of the beasts and go for a brown color scheme. I couldn't decide whether to use Beasty Brown or Earth (Bestial Brown and Graveyard Earth in GW paint)as my base color so I did two test models.

The forum suggested Miniwax Polyshades, in the Antique Walnut as the dip of choice in the US. I went to the Home Depot on my lunch break from work and picked up a can as well as two very small clips for holding the models.

Just a quick dip

and a rapid flinging to get the excess off in my ready made box o' splatter

they were ready to go after a short 24 hours of drying

All that was left was to base them up and paint the eyes and they were ready to go.

Next weekend I hope to have more pictures of my budding horde.