Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Goram Reaver!

Keep in mind this is a WIP shot but damn!

This was on display at UK Gamesday this weekend. I gonna work on compiling some shots to gether and have it up in a day or two.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Attention span of an eight year old

While exploring the outer reaches of the web I came across a post on dipping miniatures. I tore through fifty some odd pages of techniques and examples of how to and the results. Next thing I know I breaking my small Tyranid force out of the garage.

I have a friend who always exclaims "Roaches!" every time he sees Tyranids, so I decided to play up this view of the beasts and go for a brown color scheme. I couldn't decide whether to use Beasty Brown or Earth (Bestial Brown and Graveyard Earth in GW paint)as my base color so I did two test models.

The forum suggested Miniwax Polyshades, in the Antique Walnut as the dip of choice in the US. I went to the Home Depot on my lunch break from work and picked up a can as well as two very small clips for holding the models.

Just a quick dip

and a rapid flinging to get the excess off in my ready made box o' splatter

they were ready to go after a short 24 hours of drying

All that was left was to base them up and paint the eyes and they were ready to go.

Next weekend I hope to have more pictures of my budding horde.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Apocalypse Data Sheets!

Bell of lost souls posted pictures of the data sheets to the upcoming expansion to 40K "Apocalypse"

What a great set of legs!

Here's some in progress shots of my Dreadnought I've been working on:

My order from Forge World came in earlier this week, nothing spectacular like a titan or anything just a Terminator Captain and some Storm Shields. Though I must say they are rather impressive.

The Captain should be done soon though it will be awhile before the Storm Shields get painted as I haven't yet purchased the Terminators to go with them yet.
In other news the forth company is coming along though I still have a lot of work to do yet:

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Land Raider!

I finaly finished the land raider, this is one of three that has been allocated to 4th company's support detail.