Friday, August 24, 2007

Apocalypse Data Sheets!

Bell of lost souls posted pictures of the data sheets to the upcoming expansion to 40K "Apocalypse"

What a great set of legs!

Here's some in progress shots of my Dreadnought I've been working on:

My order from Forge World came in earlier this week, nothing spectacular like a titan or anything just a Terminator Captain and some Storm Shields. Though I must say they are rather impressive.

The Captain should be done soon though it will be awhile before the Storm Shields get painted as I haven't yet purchased the Terminators to go with them yet.
In other news the forth company is coming along though I still have a lot of work to do yet:

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Land Raider!

I finaly finished the land raider, this is one of three that has been allocated to 4th company's support detail.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


I finally finished the command squad. Here’s some pics:



Company Champion:

Vetran Marine just returned from a tour with the 1st company:

Here's a shot of the complete Command Squad:

And with the Chaplin and Librarian:

That's all for now I should have some pics of the Land Raider up soon.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Finally pictures

First up Catain Crovus of the 4th company:

Next up is 4th company's Standard Bearer:

The Company Chaplain:

And the company Librarian:

I'm almost done with the rest of the command squad:

Oh and look what showed up in the mail yesterday

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Now available with extra blurry

I still cannot locate my camera. My roomate should be back in town sometime tonight, and hopefully it'll turn up then. Untill then I have some blurry shots from my cell phone:

Here is the Captain of the 4th company and 4th company's standard bearer;

4th company's Librarian and chaplan;

lastly here's a shot of my work area taken last night before I finished up the standard bearer, as you can see (or maybe you can't)I have a terminator squad, tac squad, a dev sgt, and the rest of the command squad almost done. Hopefully by this weekend I'll have them all finished up.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Storm Templars

OK so my first project is a DIY chapter of Space Marines I came up with called the Storm Templars. Basically they're Imperial Fist successor (although their geneseed comes from Crimson Fists and Black Templar chapters). This boils down to a codex chapter that uses the Black Templar upgrade sprues. The chapter symbol is a white templar cross, and the primary colors are blue and white/grey. Using the marine painter over at B&C, I came up with the following:

Tactical Marine, 4th Company, Second Squad

Tactical SGT, 4th Company, Second Squad

Well that's my starting point, I have some fluff ideas rolling around in my that I should put down (one of the reasons I started this blog), and once I find that camera I'll post some actual models.


Welcome to my new blog about painting...badly. One thing you won't see here is tales of how I won yet another Golden Daemon award, not happening. However not to be too hard on myself I do think I paint a decent table quality miniature, hence the title. Now as soon as I can locate that missing camera I'll post my first real post.